Anxiety Driven Development


Experience anxiety while working isn't a rare condition. The lump in your throat, stiff neck, weak knees, sweaty hands... what to do? There's an escape from this paralyzing sentiment? In this talk we'll know the difference between stress and anxiety and how to deal with anxiety at work (and in life too). Tips to control breathing and some other little magic tricks to empower ourselves and overcome anxiety. As a plus, I'll show you how a person with anxiety can be a speaker at conferences and survive!

Language: Italian

Level: Non technical / For everyone

Nicole Bartolini

Consultant - ideato srl

From frontend to backend and beyond: IT passionate since 2006, working as developer for ideato since 2014. My interest are innovation, digital strategy and communication, I'm currently working on my public speaking skills. I also love to organize events, both for my company and other developers: I'm co-founder of devRomagna and pug-romagna, also member of DevMarche and GrUSP. In my free time I like ruining old clothes trying to sew. My other great passion is pastry, my colleagues are the best testers. I also like swimming and boxing, as well as trying to learn not to fall from snowboarding.

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