Data Breaches: Barbarians in the Throne Room


Often defenders worry about the intangible security problems. Defenders need to concentrate their efforts defending the enterprise by focusing on the fundamentals. Too often issues such as patching or system configuration failures lead to system compromise. These along with issues such as SQL injection are preventable problems. Defenders can best protect their digital assets by first understanding the sheer magnitude that a data breach can have on an enterprise. In this talk I review my findings after analyzing hundreds of data breach disclosures as it pertains to what went wrong.

Language: English

Level: Beginner

Dave Lewis

Global Advisory CISO - Duo Security

Dave Lewis has over two decades of industry experience. He has extensive experience in IT operations and management. Dave is a Global Advisory CISO for Duo Security which is now part of Cisco. He is the founder of the security site Liquidmatrix Security Digest and cohost of the Liquidmatrix podcast. Lewis also writes a column for Forbes and hosts several podcasts such as the Plaintext Podcast.

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