Node.js Native AddOns from zero to hero


This talk is about creating Node.js interfaces for native libraries written in C or C++. It starts with various situations in which you need to build native addons and the common problems in doing that. I'll discuss the reference provided by the new N-API (Node-API) that helps mantainers to support a wide variety of Node.js releases without needing recompilation or abstraction layers. With all these tools and knowledge I'll show you how to build some addons from scratch and how to convert existing addons using the new N-API. The last part is related to future developments about addons.

Language: English

Level: Intermediate

Nicola Del Gobbo

Full Stack Developer - Packly

I'm very passionate about developing web & mobile application. I started my developer career as Java and PHP developer but in 2013 i discovered Node.js and i fell in love with JavaScript. Now I'm a full stack JavaScript developer and I try to give my contribute to all technologies that I use everyday. I love to share my knowledge so I write technical article. I was a Co-Founder of Nacios Technologies and now I work as a developer at Packly. My real happiness consists in resolving very difficult problems with simplicity and sometimes take a long walk.

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