Machine Learning for videogames in Unity3D


Machine Learning is everywhere and it's changing the world for good! Learn how to set and train a simple AI from scratch with Unity Machine Learning Agents. From zero to an actual demo in just 40 minutes!

Language: English

Level: Intermediate

Fabio Corrirossi

Lead Programmer - ioTech Studios/ Slightly Mad Studios

Fabio is the lead developer of ioTech, the B2B branch of Slightly Mad Studios that are behind the MADNESS engine and the Project CARS games development. Fabio has been working in both B2B and game industries for over a decade. He started his career in the racing games industry by working at multiplatform titles like Ducati, SuperBike and MotoGP. He then specialized to the xR world where, as lead developer and university teacher, he started to work in this new field since early days of VR. Currently he is leading the team behind the latest Project CARS iteration: Project CARS Pro.

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