Surviving Black Friday - A resilience engineering tale
The ‘Black Friday fail’ is the greatest fear of every major online retailer. Since downtime equals money, and in Black Friday it means quite a lot of money. But the sad truth is that a failure of a service is inevitable, and not only on black Friday. So how can we survive a failure of a service when it inevitably fails? In this lecture I will share our approach for SRE. Why we all have misconceptions on how a major website failure unfolds. and how to use tools like chaos testing, gradual rollout, circuit breakers and automatic fallback to protect your system.
Language: English
Level: Intermediate
Omri Fima
Engineering Tech Lead - Sears Israel
Omri is a TechLead at Sears Israel by day , and a Maker by night. in the last year Omri is responsible on designing the user profiling, personalization and recommendation capabilities for Sears Israel.