The Web Components interoperability challenge


Web Components are here, the v1 of the standard is ready, a new world of componentalized web is ahead us. But when you look at it, there are many ways to write them, lots of libs. And you ask yourself if that web component interoperability really works in real life. Does all those different components, work seamless together? We are going to introduce several ways to build your web components (vanilla components, Polymer, Stencil, SkateJS...) and write a component with each one. Then we will put all those components together in a web app showing you that the interoperability is a reality.

Language: English

Level: Beginner

Horacio Gonzalez

Director of DevRel - OVHCloud

Spaniard lost in Brittany, coder, speaker, dreamer and all-around geek. Horacio works as Director of DevRel at OVHcloud. He is also the co-founder and leader of the @FinistDevs and @RdvSpeakers communities. Horacio loves web development in general and everything around Web Components and standards web in particular, but he also loves to discuss Kubernetes, AI and cloud in general. He is a Google Developer Expert (GDE) in Web Technologies and Flutter.

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