What Haskell taught us when we were not looking!


Haskell, the pure and lazy functional programming language, has now been around for more than 25 years. It had a profound influence on many other programming languages on the JVM: Java, Clojure and Scala. In this talk you will discover which Haskell constructs have made it to the JVM ecosystem and change the way you program today. You will also get a glimpse of the features which are yet to be transferred for our greatest benefit. Warning: after this talk you might be tempted to try the real thing!

Language: English

Level: Intermediate

Eric Torreborre

Senior Software Engineer - Zalando

I am a software developer living in Berlin, working at Zalando to deliver fashion all over Europe. I am the creator of several open-source projects: the Scala/specs2 library for software specifications and more recently the eff library, an alternative to monad transformers. I really enjoy functional programming and love to share that journey with other developers!

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