Who’s Afraid of Open Design?


A design process can be extraordinarily structured, or entirely missing. Either way, it often requires a remarkable number of conversations with all the stakeholders involves, including people from different departments and the users. But, what does happen when we add the unpredictable power of a community? In this talk, I’ll share my thoughts, fears and views on working for an open-source product.

Language: English

Level: Beginner

Emanuela Damiani

UX Designer - Mozilla, Firefox

Emanuela Damiani works every day for the best browser experience at Firefox. She fell in love with the Web at a young age, and since then she has never stopped studying and learning it. In her career, she helped companies and organisation to innovate through design practices. Nowadays Emanuela is exploring design systems for complex, mutable environments, aim to enable everyone to understand and use design. In her spare time, she likes to watch kitten videos, and she never says no to a good cocktail.

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