Go reactive with Realm and Xamarin Forms


In this talk I would like to share my experience of using this new mobile database with great potential. We will see which are the major differences compared to SQLite and what makes Realm very fast so as to be called "in realtime". We develop a realtime multiplatform collaborative app starting from scratch, using the latest features introduced by Xamarin Forms to improve the responsiveness. Your viewmodels and bindings for sure will thank you! :-)

Language: Italian

Level: Intermediate

Andrea Ceroni

Dev - Elfo

Senior Software developer in the R&D team @Elfo. I worked several years for advertising and cinema companies using Maya and Python. Currently I work mainly with C# with special interest in mobile applications. UWP and Xamarin Certified Developer. 3D, mountains and photography enthusiast! Married with Federica, we have a golden retriever, Mila.

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