"That doesn't seem to work." - A puzzle design cheat sheet for point-and-click adventure game designers


Some dos and don'ts for point-and-click adventure game designers. A quick tour of the types of puzzles found in some of the past and present point-and-click adventure games and how they merge with gameplay and storytelling. Beyond nostalgia, and with a glance at new technologies, this talk aims to suggest a way to avoid some of the design mistakes of the past and generate new ones, so to foster new solutions.

Language: English

Level: Non technical / For everyone

Christopher Sacchi

Developer - Leafdog Games

He started making games in 2011 and keeps on cutting his Game Development tooth joining many game jams, both online and offline. Although he is interested in all sorts of videogames, most of his experiments involve adventure games' mechanics, since he started playing them before learning to read. He also runs "Unpoint/Unclick", a column about adventure game design in which he deconstructs adventure games, puzzle by puzzle. To him, Game Development still is the best way to combine visual art, music production and storytelling and, why not, use them to convey something meaningful.

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