Do things faster and better with WebAssembly


Do you know you can run your C++ / Rust code in the browser via javascript? Do you know you can speed up the JS performance with your native code? We will see how to do things faster and better with web assembly. Web Assembly the future of the web and experience what it has to offer.

Language: English

Level: Intermediate

Sendil Nellaiyapen

Product Developer - Xebialabs

Sendil Kumar (@sendilkumarn) is a Full-stack developer at Xebialabs working on our devops platform. In my free time, I work on open source projects. I am a part of Rust WASM Working Group the tools for making Rust work great on the web. Passionate about open source software. I am also a part of Webpack team and involved in Webpack’s WebAssembly bundler implementation.

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