Walking Around: The Quest for lost Gameplay


In 1985 an Italian plumber named Mario changed the world. Elegant Mechanics, Level Design, Fine-tuned Controls... A standard was born for what video games should be. Game Design went from Alchemy unknown to many, to pseudo-Science with clear rules. 28 years later, "Gone Home" is released on Steam. The game features no challenge. No levels. No real "gameplay mechanics". No game over. And certainly, no Italian plumbers! A pragmatic look at a new era of Game Design, from the Lead Designer of “Last Day of June”.

Language: English

Level: Intermediate

Mattia Traverso

- - Freelancer

Mattia started experimenting with Flash in 2009, then entered the finals of the Independent Games Festival 2011 with his "One and One Story", a platform game about love which used game mechanics to tell its narrative. He then went on to release Xbox One's 2016 highest rated exclusive "FRU", a game awarded a 9.5 from Destructoid which retains an 84 average on Metacritic. His journey then lead him to Ovosonico, where he took the role of Lead Designer on "Last Day of June", a narrative title in collaboration with Grammy-nominated Steven Wilson and 505Games. He is now freelancing!

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