Mobile and accessibility: the good, the bad and the ugly


This is a fun talk, with lots of gasps and laughter. It is example after example of mobile accessibility fails - but they just look like mobile fails! In this way I try and stress that a usability issue is really an accessibility issue, and making a mobile site accessible actually makes it usable too. I talk about specific mobile accessibility features: pinch zoom, native screen readers, haptic keyboard etc, and system accessibility settings: font size, screen rotation, high contrast etc

Language: English

Level: Beginner

Gian Wild

Director - AccessibilityOz

Gian Wild is the Director of AccessibilityOz. She has worked in accessibility industry since 1998. Her major achievements include: the very first Australian accessible web site; the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games; her six years active membership in the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group; accessibility reviews of public and private web sites; conference and seminar presentations; judging web awards and the development of accessibility toolkits.

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