Billion-Dollar Foresight


In 1960, Sir Tony Hoare introduced the concept of "null" to programming. Today he calls this his "billion dollar mistake," as he estimates null has caused a billion dollars in economic damage. If this was a billion-dollar mistake, what about the reverse? How can we develop the billion-dollar foresight to avoid such mistakes in the first place? Over the years, I've come to see the wisdom in certain software design approaches that trade minor short-term costs for major long-term benefits. This talk presents these approaches as decision-making guidelines that can have amazing long-term payoffs.

Language: English

Level: Non technical / For everyone

Richard Feldman

Head of Technology - NoRedInk

Richard is the author of “Elm in Action” from Manning Publications, and the instructor for the Frontend Masters Introduction to Elm and Advanced Elm workshops. He is a member of the Elm Core Team and works at NoRedInk, which has over 300,000 lines of Elm code in production, and which has employed Elm creator Evan Czaplicki since 2016. In his free time Richard hosts the Philadelphia Elm Meetup, and maintains open-source Elm libraries such as elm-test and elm-css. Some have said he’s “a fan of Elm,” but he’s not sure where they got that wild idea.

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