Software Defined Radios: Hacking the Invisible


In our everyday life we are accustomed to use radio communication devices: car key fobs, remote controls, toys etc. Unfortunately these devices are often designed without security in mind, and this is true also for radio communication protocols spread all over the world and often mandatory. In this talk we will get a chance to see how SDRs work and what are the tools they lay out to enthusiasts who are willing to play around a little bit and break things apart to understand how they work. There will be also some live demo with SDRs in place.

Language: English

Level: Intermediate

Davide Papini

Research and Innovation - Elettronica S.p.a.

Davide Papini is a cyber-security researcher, working in R&D in Elettronica. His research mainly focuses on cyber situational awareness, network security and machine learning applied to security related problems. He holds a PhD from DTU Copenhagen, and has been a PostDoc researcher at the Information Security Group at Royal Holloway, where he had the opportunity to work on practical security related problems, such as botnet and malware detection, network monitoring and internet security assessments.

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Daniele Provenziani

System Engineer - ELT

Research on counter UAV solutions

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