Load-balancing high-available web-app with Docker Swarm cluster.


This talk explains how to leverage Docker Engine with Swarm mode to run high-available web-application in the Cloud. The latest Docker Engine version (1.12+) comes with interesting features that streamline setting-up new cluster and maintenance tasks for Ops. Throughout the talk engineers will learn how to set up a new Docker Swarm cluster, scale in and out and make nodes join and leave cluster in automated fashion. Furthermore single region and multi-region cluster scenarios will be discussed.

Language: English

Level: Intermediate

Simone Soldateschi

Staff Engineer - Slack

Simone is Staff Engineer at Slack, he is passionate about Cloud technologies and Task Automation. In the last years he has designed Cloud solutions and successfully migrated customers from on-premise to Rackspace/OpenStack and AWS Cloud, architected and maintained high-available multi-region systems based on containers at scale in Azure at Microsoft. Simone took his Master’s Degree in Computer Science and Robotics, started his career as developer, moved to System Engineering, then joined DevOps and Cloud-savvy communities.

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