Vitruvian Game: a new way to learn how technologies work


General description of the project and how INTEL invited me to participate. Show some videos and photos during the construction phase.Talk about the specific technologies: MSI Backpack VR with Unreal Engine Arduino and INTEL Tintyle Board Motor Automation PLC, Driver and connection with joystick Iron CNC 3D application Error, beta fase and problems solved. Talk about the upgrade we are implementing to participate in the next fair in May 3rd axis, it will became a gyroscope, API to catch data from the Engine. #Kubernetes #OPCUA #IoT #Industry40.

Language: Italian

Level: Intermediate

Paolo Moro

CEO - srl

CEO of a company that has been working in innovative technologies for over 15 years. He create digital solutions tailored to companies, he develop software in cloud environments, in the IoT field and creating Maker-style prototypes. Through digital laboratories, above all with the experience of Lab Network srl, it has created a network of people to create high added-value skills, helping companies to engage technology in production processes.

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Samuele Chiocca

DevOps - Business Research Srl

I take care of the DevOps operations at, aiming at improving the resilience of the systems and the distribution of computing and resources. We have been working for 2 years with Docker and Kubernetes technologies adopting Kubernetes as our main orchestration system, to standardize the development and distribution processes of our software.

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