Applied AI: Classify art using DeepLearning


In this tutorial we will teach you how DeepLearning Neural Networks work and how to use Keras on top of TensorFlow to create DeepLearning driven AI systems at scale. Without understanding every little detail of linear algebra you will be able to create and train a Convolutional Neural Network on TensorFlow using Keras and scale it on Apache Spark and GPUs using DeepLearning4J, Apache SystemML or Watson Machine Learning

Language: English

Level: Intermediate

Najla Said

Cloud Technical Sales - IBM

IBM Cloud platform specialist for almost 4 years, First focusing on Infrastructure (IaaS), today it deals with the entire offer (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS and Cognitive). In this role Najla has gained solid experience in cloud and cognitive architectures, including hybrids. She collaborates with the Quantum Computing team in Italy for information purposes. She received her PhD in Astronomy, specializing in Cosmology at the La Sapienza University of Rome.

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