Commodore 64 Mon Amour(3): disassembling the camel. Reversiamo insieme un gioco del C64


In questa terza puntata dedicata al Commodore 64 ci dedichiamo al reverse enginering di AMC e cioe' 'Attack of the mutants camels', il classicone sparatutto del grande Jeff Minter pubblicato nel 1983. Smantelleremo insieme il cammello pezzo per pezzo utilizzando le tecniche proprie della pir@teri@ di un tempo (ma usando strumenti moderni), raccontando storie, aneddoti e chicche del codice, rigorosamente assembly del glorioso 6510.

Language: Italian

Level: Intermediate

Andrea Ferlito

CTO - Codemotion

ICT professional with over 15 years experience in software design and development and project management. His insane passion for videogames brought him to be well known throght the italian and international game developer communities. In the last years he has been trying to create a link between italian game developers and investors, organizing dedicated events as barcamps and the local venues for the most important international game jams like Global Game Jam and Indie Speed Run. He is CTO and Game Developer Area manager of Codemotion and advisor at LUISS Enlabs.

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Massimiliano Agostinelli

Cyber Intelligence Project Manager - Cy4gate

He has over 15 years experience in the field of 2D and 3D graphics. Previously he has developed several 3D engines using DirectX and OpenGL specializing in compression of textures float (HDR) for playback of lighting scenes in real-time. He has participated in development of several techniques for compressing images 48bit, RAW and HDR and recently in the standardization of one of the profiles of the new standard JPEG XT. He attained great knowledge in security field, developing different solutions for encryption and digital signature and PKI for several International companies.

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