The omnichannel e-Commerce revolution
The disruptive digital revolution, which has hit society and everybody’s everyday life, is changing the way we think, social interactions and consumer behaviors. Consumers are more and more engaged, protagonists and always connected. In such a context, technologies and platforms are the new elements of disruption. The booming e-Commerce industry itself is shifting towards an on-offline scenario, enabling an integrated, fluid, multichannel customer journey.
Language: English
Level: Non technical / For everyone
Dirk Pinamonti
Head of e-Commerce (Merchant Services business unit) - Nexi Payments
Dirk Pinamonti, 45 years old, joined NEXI PAYMENTS (previously CartaSi) in September 2017 as Head of e-Commerce, within the Merchant Services business unit. Previously he has spent ten and a half years at PayPal, in different marketing, business development and commercial roles, ending his experience there as Head of Merchant Services Italy. Before that he was a manager at Skype in Italy, Sony in Italy and in the UK, Pambianco and 3M in Italy.