Call for CTOs!

The evolution of the CTO’s role in the Digital Transformation’s era 

DATE: Friday, 13th April

LOCATION: Conference’s Venue


For the second year, Codemotion organizes a meeting dedicated to CTOs, CIOs and IT Managers. The aim of this year’s edition of the CTO Meeting is to create a moment to share some thoughts on the continuous evolution of the CTO’s role in the Digital Transformation’s era.

In the last couple of years,  people who have decisional power on technologies and strategies have been facing striking changes that are not just influencing their field, but also their daily activities and procedures. The Digital Transformation brings to a constant redefinition of the strategies and to a dynamic reformulation of the CTO’s role.

What is actually happening?

The actual situation and its repercussions will be presented from different points of view, creating a valuable debate and an enriching experience for our participants. Each Manager will illustrate the company’s experiments as well as their own challenges and strategic choices put into action in order to become more competitive.

The CTO Meeting will be hosted during Codemotion Rome.

The CTO Meeting is an exclusive event dedicated to CTOs, CIOs and IT Managers. To request your invitation please fill out this form

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